Thursday, June 1, 2023


 Before I turned 40, I have been diagnosed by my doctor with a coronary artery disease. Meekly, I have since then followed all my doctors' instructions and took prescribed by  them three types of medications. I have to say, that since then the quality of my life deteriorated, or, went south, as some people say: I gained a lot of weight, had often bad dreams, even nightmares, my legs were becoming swollen, and I sweated frequently like a pig. The last condition was particularly troubling to me as in the humid New York weather I had to constantly wear suits and ties at my work. In 2017 I decided to trust Jesus Christ as my personal physician and I stopped taking my medications. In fact, since that time I never took any pill for any medical condition (except for being vaccinated for Covid 2019). My bad dreams and nightmares disasppeared, I lost weight and am slim as I used to be 35 years ago, my legs are not swollen any longer and I do not sweat like a pig, as I used to while on medications. Moreover, I compete now freely on a soccer pitch or a tennis court with people who are 30 years younger than I. And, I am able to perform one or two thousand of sit-ups in one morning or evening session, often even twice more, when I  have enough time for it. Additionally, I  perform frequently long distance brisk walks. And what's important, I eat whatever and whenever I want, of course, in moderation. As an attorney, who handled many medical malpractice cases, and from my own experience, I warn you, dear reader, do not swallow all those pills prescribed to you by your doctor without asking all the necessary questions. Do we really have to lower the quality of our life by taking meekly  all those medications? Perhaps, we are often used only as the tools to enrich the owners of the big pharma companies?

Janusz Andrzejewski, is an attorney, admitted to practice law in the state of New York (June 1993) and you can contact him by telephone (212-634-4250) or by e-mail:


 Od mniej wiecej 40-go roku zycia, kiedy lekarz zdiagnozowal u mnie chorobe wiencowa, poslusznie lykalem 3 rodzaje lekarstw ktore mi  on, badz wszyscy nastepni lekarze przepisywali. Musze powiedziec, ze od tego czasu, zamiast poprawy, czulem sie zawsze zle, przybralem na wadze, mialem koszmarne sny, nogi czesto mi puchly i pocilem sie jak mysz. To ostatnie bylo szczegolnie uciazliwe, jako ze w dusznym nowojorskim klimacie musialem zawsze nosic w pracy garnitury i krawaty. W roku 2017 zawierzylem Jezusowi Chrystusowi, jako mojemu lekarzowi, i zdecydowalem sie odstawic wszystkie lekarstwa, i od tego czasu nie zazylem ani jednej tabletki na jakakolwiek chorobe (za wyjatkiem szczepien przeciw zarazie). Zniknely moje nocne koszmary, wyszczuplalem i wrocilem do mojej naturalnej wagi sprzed 30-35 lat, nogi przestaly mi puchnac, nie poce sie jak przyslowiowa swinia, a co wiecej jestem w stanie rywalizowac na boisku pilkarskim czy na korcie tenisowym z mlodszymi od siebie o 30 lat.ludzmi. Co wiecej, jestem w stanie przykladowo wykonywac tysiac czy dwa tysiace przysiadow w jednej sesji porannej czy wieczornej, a jezeli mam czas, duzo wiecej. Bez problemu wykonuje szybkie wielokilometrowe spacery. I bardzo wazne, jem co chce, i kiedy chce, oczywiscie z umiarem. Jako adwokat ktory mial do czynienia z wieloma sprawami zaniedban lekarskich, i z wlasnego doswiadczenia,ostrzegam przed faszerowaniem sie lekarstwami bez sprawdzania decyzji lekarskich. Czy rzeczywiscie obnizenie jakosci naszego zycia poprzez lykanie poslusznie wszelkich pigulek ma sens? Czy  moze jestesmy tylko srodkami do nabijania kabzy przemyslowi farmakologicznemu?

Janusz Andrzejewski, prowadzacy niniejszy blog, jest adwokatem praktykujacym prawo w miescie i stanie Nowy Jork od 1993-go roku.Mozesz skontaktowac sie  z nim przez telefon (212-634-4250) badz e-mail:

Saturday, March 11, 2023


 Domestic violence is different from other types of  violent criminal offenses in that that it takes place in a household, between family members or loved ones. There are various types of domestic violence offenses, such as domestic assault, stalking, harassments, threats of violence, verbal or physical abuse, imprisonment or physical restraint. The state of New York takes domestic violence offenses very seriously, and a conviction for domestic violence can have far-reaching and long-lasting severe consequences. In many cases, filing criminal charges in the area of domestic violence automatically results in temporary protection orders, known also as temporary restraining orders, against the defendant. The temporary restraining order very frequently may prevent the defendant from entering freely the shared premises or from being near the person who was the victim or accuser, and other family members.

Being convicted of domestic violence offense may results in imprisonment, probation, hefty fines as well as loss or suspension of firearms priviliges.If you are facing a misdeameanor domestic violence charge, you could be facing between 15 days and 1 year of jail sentence and fines up to $1,000.00. However, in case of domestic violence felony charges, the penalties are much more severe and you could face 4 to 25 years of imprisonment and fines that are upwards of $30,000.00.

Regarding the above mentioned protection orders, the court can issue one if a person is accused of committing a crime against a spouse, child or parent, or a member of the same household. The temporary protection orders can also be issued in family court proceedings, upon an appropraiate petition filed by a victim of domestic violence. Provisions of the temporary protection orders may include the following situations:

- prohibiting the defendant from entering household, school, place of work of the victim, any family member, witness, or household member;

- setting a scedule of child visits if the defendant was a parent;

- prohibiting the defendant from committing criminal offenses against a member of the family, household memmber, or a child;

- prohibiting the defendant from creating an unreasonable risk for the safety, health, or welfare of a child, family member, or a household member;

- requiring the defendant to allow a designated person to enter the residence at a specified time in order to pick up personal belongings of the defendant;

-prohibiting the defendant from causing harm to any child or pet in the houshold.

Janusz Andrzejewski, is an attorney admitted to practice law in the state of New York (June, 1993) and you can contact him at (212) 634-4250 or by e-mail at:

Thursday, March 9, 2023


 It is not easy to find yourself facing criminal charges, particularly for those who ended up as a defendant in criminal court proceedings. You need in your corner an attorney who will stand up for you; in fact, in criminal proceeding no judge will proceed with a case with a defendant who is not represented.

 In the area of DWI (driving while intoxicated) many individuals who have been charged with it, have had no previous exposure to the criminal justice system. Yet intoxication with alcohol (or drug) related offenses are taken very seriously in the state of New York and can very often result with a criminal record that can follow you for the rest of your life. In fact, the punishments in DWI cases in the state of New York are very harsh nowadays.

The drivers are considered impaired if their blood alcohol concentration exceeds 0.05%, and legaly intoxicated if it reaches the level of 0.08%. The severity of the charges and of statutory penalties will vary depending on blood alcohol concentration, additional involvement of drugs, or whether the defendant is a repeated offender. You have to realize, however, that a first time offense can bring you  serious charges or penalties.

The charges in DWI cases are divided depending on specific factors surrounding the circumstances:

DWI - A person who is caught while driving a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more can be charged with the misdemeanor of DWI. Had that defendant received another DWI within the past 10 years, he or she may be facing a felony charge.

Aggravated DWI - A person who is caught operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.18% or higher, may be charged with aggravated DWI.

DWAI (or, driving, while ability impaired) - A person who is caught operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of between  0.05% and 0.08% may be charged with a DWAI. Even though it is not a criminal charge, the  penalties may include jail time and fines.

DWI-Drugs - A person who is caught operating a motor vehicle under influence of drugs may be charged with a DWI-Drugs.

DWI-Combination - A person who is caught operating a motor vehicle under influence of both alcohol and drugs, may be charged with a DWI-Combination.

The state of New  York has also zero-tolerance laws for drivers under the age of 21, which make it unlawul for the young drivers to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration as low as 0.02%

Janusz Andrzejewski is an attorney admitted to practice law in the state of New York (June,1993) and you can contact him at (212) 634-4250 or by e-mail at

Monday, October 3, 2022


 The practice of law in New York City is still in a "pandemic mode", as I call it. The courts, like Supreme Court (civil branch), Civil Court or Family Court, in all boroughs, are quite empty. I have visited last Friday Supreme Court at 60 Centre Street in Manhattan, and was able to witness only one trial going on in one of the parts on 3rd floor. The Family Court, New York County at 60 Lafayette Street, on the same day in the morning, was a place crowded only by court bailiffs and some clerks.Same story with the Civil Court, New York County, although there were some people at some parts. The most crowded place was the Criminal Court in Manhattan at 100 Centre Street, where in the arraignment parts it was business as usual. However, also in non-arraignment parts there seemed to be quite a lot of court traffic. For those, who are fed up with court video conferences and motions, and who crave face to face interactions with the judges and opposing attorneys, the Criminal Courts now appear to be the best place to practice law.

Janusz Andrzejewski, is an attorney admitted to practice in New York since 1993 and you can contact him at (212)634-4250 or by e-mail at

Monday, May 10, 2021

(212) 634-4250 MY NEW PHONE NUMBER

 This is to advise my clients and readers about the new phone number, again, it is now:

 (212) 634-4250

.Please leave your messages always with your name and telephone number, or with an e-mail address, to give me a chance to get back to you.

If you cannot catch me on the phone, please try to contact me through e-mail:

Monday, March 16, 2020


Dochodzenia roszczen prawnych w miescie Nowy Jork, jak wszczedzie, dokonuje sie w sposob dwojaki: poprzez pozwy prawne skladane w roznych sadach, i poprzez postepowania arbitrazowe.
Co do arbitrazu, uzywany jest on zazwyczaj kiedy mamy do czynienia ze zlamaniem umowy, ktora zawierala w sobie klauzule o dochodzeniu naruszenia umowy (i szkod z tym zwiazanych) poprzez arbitraz. Dobra strona postepowania arbitrazowgo jest jego szybkosc, nieskomplikowana forma, i mniejsze koszty. Jednakze ostateczna decyzja w postepowaniu arbitrazowym musi zostac zatwierdzona przez wlasciwy sad, by nabrac mocy prawnej.
Jezeli chodzi o procesy w sadach, zaleza one od rodzaju sadow, ktore maja jurysdykcje nad danym rodzajem sprawy. Generalnie, w stanie Nowy Jork mamy sady stanowe, i sady federalne. Jezeli chodzi o sady stanowe, dziela sie one na sady cywilne i sady kryminalne, natomiast te same sady federalne rozpatruja i sprawy cywilne, i sprawy kryminalne.
Na samym dole sadow struktury instytucji prawnych w miescie Nowy Jork znajduja sie Sady Malych Roszczen (Small Claims Court) ktore rozsztrzygaja spory dotyczace roszczen do $5,000.00 wartosci. Sady Malych Roszczen rozstrzygaja jedynie spory o odszkodowania pieniazne. Sady Cywilne (Civil Court of the City of New York) zajmuja sie sprawami roszczen do $25,000.00, a Sady Najwyzsze  (Supreme Court of the State of New York) zajmuja sie sprawami powyzej $25,000.00. Miasto Nowy Jork dzieli sie na 5 powiatow (New York, Kings, Queens, Bronx i Richmond) i kazdy z tych powiatow ma swoj wlasny Sad Malych Roszczen (Small Claims Court), Sad Cywilny (Civil Court) i Sad Najwyzszy (Supreme Court).
Oprocz powyzszych sadow, na terenie kazdego powiatu miasta Nowy Jork znajduja sie takze Sady Rodzinne (Family Court), ktore maja jurysdykcje nad wszelkim sprawami rodzinnymi, za wyjatkiem spraw rozwodowych (ktore sa rozstrzygane wylacznie przez Supreme Court of the State of New York). I tak sady rodzinne zajmuja sie sprawami o ustalenie ojcostwa, alimentami, o opieke prawna nad dziecmi, adopcjami, odebraniem praw rodzicielskich, sprawami kryminalnymi maloletnich, itp.

Janusz Andrzejewski, prowadzacy niniejszy blog, jest adwokatem praktykujacym prawo w miescie i stanie Nowy Jork od 1993 roku. Mozesz skontaktowac sie z nim poprzez tel. (212) 634-4250 albo przez e-mail: